Cut then Add - Decals for aircraft kits

New "CTA" Decals Releases

CTA-034 1/72 "Corsairs from Both Coasts"

I tried to make interesting and not very common markings for the new decal CTA 1/72 A-7 Corsair.
In addition to the A-7B, I reproduced the TA-7Ts, which carried out flights with the USS Lexington. A-7E is aircraft from "Dambusters" and "Royal Maces" squadrons.
Drag from your stash plastic from Fujimi, Esci / Italeri, and other manufacturers - you have a reason to do something really new and original!

To order


  1. LTV A-7E Corsair II, Bu.No. 157533 / NH-405, VA-195 "Dambusters", USS Kitty Hawk, June 1977.
  2. LTV A-7B Corsair II, Bu.No. 154372 / AB-410, VA-72 "Blue Hawks", USS John F Kennedy, August 1973.
  3. LTV A-7E Corsair II, Bu.No. 158834 / NK-411, VA-27 "Royal Maces", USS Coral Sea, March 1981.
  4. LTV A-7E Corsair II, Bu.No. 157453 / AA-407, VA-81 "Sunliners", USS Forrestal, November 1979.
  5. LTV TA-7C Corsair II, Bu.No. 156795 / NJ-204, VA-122 "Flying Eagles", USS Lexington, Autumn 1979.

CTA 1/72 LTV A-7B/E, TA-7C Corsair Instruction sheet CTA 1/72 LTV A-7B/E, TA-7C Corsair decal sheet

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